About the artist...
Bob Nowak studied fine arts with a bachelor degree from the Philadelphia College of Art (now UARTS) before launching his dynamic career in commercial art as an art director, creative director and brand strategist. Bob has lead creative teams with agencies for Fortune 100 companies and national corporate brands for over 30 years. He is now pursuing his passion for fine art and oil painting with the PixOils painting technique that he developed on his own.
As a new and completely unique process, PixOils™ are a hybrid blend of digital oil painting and traditional oil painting techniques – "The fusion of technology and tradition" as the tagline touts. As an award-winning fine artist working in traditional oil painting, Bob has now pioneered this new method to create beautiful oil canvases that allow the customer to part of the creative process, while maintaining an affordable price to boot!
Contact Bob to see how quickly and economically a PixOils painting can be done from YOUR cellphone photos!